Thursday, February 5, 2009

One of my new friends and I have been working with some of the Fellowship of Isis
Rituals and Mystery Drama’s recently.
I read a brilliant article by the Priestess 'Caroline Wise' this week saying just how deep and meaningful these rites are for her and I have to agree 100%.
Even some of the rituals that I have done several times over the years always bring fresh & often profound personal insights.
I’ve been a member of the fellowship of Isis since 1976, and am delighted to see now that all of the rituals and mystery dramas are freely available online for members of the fellowship of Isis to download.
It is such a good idea to have access to the beautiful rites written by one of the co- founders of the F.O.I ‘Lady Olivia Robertson’ whom wrote these works of art whilst in a trance state; it is thanks to her that we may all benefit from these Goddess given gifts.
Over the years I have been privileged to share & celebrate some of the rituals with fellow Isians (as Isis followers often are called).
Other times it has not been possible to link up with other devotee’s and so I perform the Rites solo here at home, from my personal shrine to Isis.
I’m always able to adapt the rituals to suit one person and have found creative ways of performing the Mystery Drama’s solo too!
In a group situation the members would be ‘playing’ the roles themselves; during the rite.
For solo practitioners however I would begin by looking at the various roles included of a specific drama from the Fellowship of Isis Liturgy, next I ‘Google’ images on the internet to find nice pictures that resonates with me for the given roles and characters involved.
It might be for example; of a God or Goddess or any number of characters from various Pantheons, but I always manage to find nice images to use for a ritual/mystery play.
For more creative folk I recommend making your own images through painting/drawing/collage.
Often background music is also recommended to play during the Rite.
Thanks again to the magic of the internet we may also find sites that allow us free access to the required sounds.

For the rite itself I am fortunate enough to have my computer next to my Shrine, which enables me to light my candles & incense, then I will be able to bring the character images up on my computer & also play the required background music as I continue solo with the rite.
The entire effect of being to use evocative images to accompany the rite reminds me of a modern day Victorian puppet theatre.
I can narrate the story of the Mystery Drama myself as I go along and use the characters on screen to add more meaning to the ritual itself.
It’s great fun to try the various role playing of the characters as you read out each of the individual characters ‘lines’ and the beauty of it is that you may keep it as simple or elaborate as you wish.
You may for example like to include images of scenery and further images of the ritual regalia which may be called for in the play. All of these items may be pasted onto one document which you may scroll down to, as required during the play/ritual.

If you’d like to try this for yourself the Rites & Drama’s may be found at:

May I suggest to begin with you try the Rites from the Liturgy booklets of ‘Dea’ and ‘Panthea’.

For those that would like to follow a structured study course please contact me here at:
The Iseum of the Solar Goddess
Rosie Weaver
Prs.H. Prs. A